
November 29, 2020

11/29/2020: Definitely something

My temperature is holding at 98.4 with Sudafed + Claritin to combat the sinus congestion. I can still feel the pressure but I can breathe. So far there's nothing happening in my chest. I have bootcamp until 2pm tomorrow, and will call the tele-doctor indicated on my insurance immediately after. It will cost $50, which should then be reimbursed. I should then be able to schedule a test at the CVS near me. 

From what I can find, if I test positive I need to quarantine for 3 weeks. I'll still have to walk Athena, but I normally don't get any closer than across the street. Abnormally, I carry a cloth and cover my nose and mouth with cloth and hand. The closest I've come to anyone is more than 6 feet, when I was taken by surprise by another dog walker running down a dark street the other night. 


Even sick, I ran on our walk tonight. I can't show the map because Google doesn't know about the cut through the guard rail between neighborhoods on the route I took. Ultimately it was the same run/walk as last night. 


Day 6 run
18K+ steps

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