I had an online journal in 2002, moved to journal on MySpace after that, then started blogging in 2013. This was around the same time I started running with Jeff. I never did enjoy the actual act of running, except when sprinting. I felt like I was flying then, but can only sprint in short bursts. I did enjoy knowing I HAD run. Unfortunately, running caused me a lot of pain and ultimately knee surgery. After the surgery I couldn't even walk without pain for over a year, so running went away.
Knowing all that, I find I enjoy running with Athena. I can only run for a minute or two, and if I don't stretch I pay for it the next day. She gets so much enjoyment out of it though, it makes me laugh. I don't think as much about how uncomfortable I am, watching her. Combine that with a boredom in our twice daily walks, plus it's getting colder outside, plus I'll have less time with bootcamp and ultimately working again, plus I seem to be stuck at 190 lb and can't add any more time to our walks. Suddenly I find I'm interested in running again.
I decided to start slow and focus on how I feel. We walked up the block this morning, ran the little offshoot at the top of the street, then headed down the next street over. We ran from fire hydrant to fire hydrant, walked the next, ran the next, all the way down the street. We walked between streets, did the same up the next street over, then walked home. We will walk tonight, I've an alarm set to stretch before bed, and we'll try running again tomorrow morning.
edit: It was raining/snowing on our evening walk, and Athena balked before we even got to the corner. She will walk in light rain, but really REALLY doesn't like when she starts to feel wet. She literally sat down and utterly refused to continue. I've successfully pulled her along until she gave up when she got like this in the past, but I don't like doing that. I've decided days like this are rest days, and am content as long as she pees while we're out. It's the first time in 48 days I've not reached 10K steps. Next time I'll get on the treadmill or go out without her.
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