
November 13, 2020

11/13/2020: Narrative Telephone and election news

My BFF became obsessed with D&D about 6 months ago. It's something I've been interested in since high school, but never had friends willing to play with me. At one point I tried to get Jeff interested in playing, but he didn't want to play with inexperienced me. Just one more thing to remember when the part of me that still loves him starts to surface. Turns out Craig and my emergency backup son Dan have been playing. They allowed me to join their campaign, so I am finally able to play. 

I digress. A lot. My point was, my BFF introduced me to Critical Role, which is "a bunch of nerdy-ass voice actors playing dungeons and dragons" on Twitch TV. They have been playing 4-5 hours, once a week, for 5 years now. They started on Geek and Sundry, then branched off onto their own channel. The videos are all on YouTube, and I finally got caught up a few weeks ago. 

I wanted (and still want) to watch their Pub Draw, but have not as yet started that series. Instead I've been watching Hulu and Netflix. So much television, when I used to not watch television at all. I blame Critical Role, as I've been watching/listening to them for months. 

I digress again. my real point is, today I spent the day watching Critical Role's Narrative Telephone. This is based on the child's game Telephone, where one person whispers something to another, who whispers it to another, and it goes down the line. Invariably, the original something morphs into something else. Looking for quarantine content, Critical Role virtualized this child's game. It starts with one of the group telling a short story, then sending the video to another member of the group. They are only allowed to watch it once - verified by one of the production staff. The 2nd person then has to record a retelling of the story from memory, and so on down the line. The result is hilarious, especially with the crew watching and commenting. 


I also caught up on election news. I knew Biden won, but also knew Trump was not willing to accept losing. Right now I'm getting most of my news from the NY Times. I found it interesting the larger law firms are distancing themselves from Trump's election lawsuits. I wasn't at all surprised to find out how many lawsuits he'd filed. I read articles about his finances when portions of his tax records were finally produced. He has a pattern of using litigation to get what he wants, because settling tends to be less expensive than defending against his accusations. That tactic will not work this time. I found it sad so many Trump supporters were still hoping they would.

I'm curious to see if his tax evasion and business failures will catch up with him once he's out of office. His supporters expect him to be a contender in 2024. I hope by then he's in jail. 


Today's accomplishments:
18K+ steps
Bathe Athena

Edited to put posts in chronological order

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