
December 8, 2020


I spent a fair bit of time working on my Elevator Pitch today, even trying to recite it while walking with Athena. I need to succinctly tell who I am and why someone should hire me, all in 30-40 seconds. My first attempt came to a minute and a half. I trimmed it down to the bare bones of my timeline, without the humor. I need to memorize the pitch and video myself giving it before going to bed Sunday night.  


I received another copy of the initial form letter from unemployment, saying it will take three weeks to process my claim. I assume this is in response to the call I made last Friday. I'm concerned this means it will take ANOTHER three weeks now, before I hear anything. That would be after Christmas, so I likely wouldn't hear anything until the new year. Not good. 


I still think about Jeff every day, but I'm no longer constantly arguing with him in my head. At least not every time I think about him. On tonight's walk I found my internal conversation was an explanation to some new guy about what happened. He pushed me away, then blamed me for abandoning him. We both struggled with issues, exacerbated by addictions, and he decided he was better off alone. 

The conversation about past relationships will happen, before I move forward with anyone. I want to know who did the breaking up, how and why their relationships ended. I want to know how they refer to their exes, and how many exes they have. I also want to know how they define love and what makes them say they're in love. How do they define commitment, because ultimately that's what I want. How do they define forgiveness? What does their anger look like? Do they work to resolve issues, or seethe in silence? I'm sure there's more I'll want to know, but those questions in the least will have to be answered.

I still think it's funny my financial stress is always followed by thoughts of Jeff. I wish I understood that connection. 


Athena and I walked extra long tonight, because the last two days we haven't hit 10K steps. I'm enjoying the Christmas lights. 

This reminds me of a gingerbread house when it's fully lit. It's timed to music one can tune into a radio station for, so it's difficult to get a good picture with everything lit.

 This one looks rather classic, except for the Grinch face down in the front yard.


19K+ steps

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