
December 29, 2020


I've been trying to get Brian to tell me what his schedule is this week. He doesn't seem to want to do that, and for the first time has not paid me a week or so early. 


I finally finished the last of The Mentalist, then watched the premier of The Masked Dancer. It's disappointing. So far only one or two people can actually dance, and Paula Abdul is annoying. I don't even know who the other judges are, but they are also annoying. I'll probably watch the whole season just to see if anyone else can dance or if anyone improves. If the judges and host don't annoy me too much. 

What I should be doing is coding. I want to get the deck of cards problem done before we're back in session on Monday, and also wanted to get more done on my Random Character Generator.

I've also been avoiding housework for the last two weeks. I should get back to that, too.


The dryer will cost me $400, which sucks. I hope the unemployment office gets the stimulus package into thier system quickly, because I'm running out of room on my credit card. I've been putting groceries, gas, and all other purchases on the card for the past few months. It's going to take me forever to pay it all back, even once I'm working again. 

I thought about purchasing a used dryer from Craigslist or something, but it wouldn't be the same size and I wouldn't have it by tomorrow, which is when the guy said he'd have the motor to fix the dryer I have. 


Still thinking about Jeff whenever money stress comes up. I find I'm still thinking about him on a daily basis, but it's usually not until the end of the day when I'm getting ready for bed. At this point I'm all about the nope train. Yes, a part of me is still sad things didn't work out, but I can't imagine him changing enough for it to work between us. We really are incompatible because we have different definitions for the most important words, because he can't communicate what he's thinking and feeling, and because he blamed me for his own shortcomings. Even the cat thing was a bunch of hookum. He is willing to hurt a dog who jumps up on him, but I'm not allowed to make a mistake with his cat's medication. 

Yeah. Still angry with how that all went down. The blame. The lack of communication. I see romantic relationships on television now and I can't help but be disappointed. I communicated with him. He didn't communicate with me. 


Athena and I finally got back up to 10K steps, this by trudging through 6 inches of snow. Trudging through snow takes a whole different set of muscles. I bought boots at Costco but they're too large, which also makes things difficult. 


10K+ steps
Clean stove
Watch The Masked Dancer

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