
December 5, 2020


I keep trying to get pictures or video of Athena playing in the snow. She's very funny. Every time I take her up on an unshoveled sidewalk, she bounds through the snow. It was really funny when the snow was deeper than her legs are long. It's been slowly melting ever since the storm stopped, so not quite as deep now, but it's still cute. Today she was plowing through it with her nose as she ran. 

She stays still long enough to take pics when she's watching the neighborhood. 

Athena has several chew toys, but doesn't chew on them often. She really likes being challenged and engaged. A couple weeks ago, I threw away several toys she'd chewed up too much. Among them were the puzzle toys she enjoyed most, which made me sad. I went on Amazon and put a few toys on my credit card. This is her new favorite:

Best $15 I've spent on Athena so far! I got it on sale, but she has so much fun with it I might even pay the $20-$30 I've seen it cost. The ball part you see in the videos is holding up so very well! She did destroy the foam and cloth casing in about 30 seconds - it comes with 2, which tie around the ball and have a squeaky in the tail portion. I wish I'd gotten video of her whipping her head back and forth, shaking the thing around by it's tail. THAT was funny!  

The inner top-like bit is USB rechargeable, which is nice. It lights up, spins and wobbles, which makes the whole thing spin and jump about. It moves and makes sounds for a few seconds, then quiets and stops moving for 30 seconds or so, then starts up again. If she stops playing with it, it goes to sleep for a while then wakes up again. It's supposed to stop completely after 4 hours, but we've never gone that long. She gets tired of it and walks away, but when it starts up again she goes after it again. She's let it go to sleep two or three times before getting really bored (or really tired).  

I have to make sure the pieces are screwed on tight so she doesn't immediately pop them apart. That presents the only downside, in that I can't get it open UNTIL she pops them apart. She's never popped it all the way open. I'll take it from her and make her chase it across the room if she sounds like she might break or pop the casing. If she does pop it, I put it away for the night. She's put teeth marks into it, but it hasn't cracked or broken. It's sturdy!  


I might just barely make 10K steps today. We took a shorter walk this morning, as has become our custom. I wanted to walk longer tonight than we did last night, but my feet had other ideas. The night before last I wore my boots, and by the end of the walk I had hot spots on my heels. Last night I wore my running shoes, but thought tonight we would walk on the sidewalks more so wore the boots again. I purchased thick socks today to mitigate the hot spots. Instead they made the boots tight. Either that or I tied them too tight. My toes were killing me by the time we got round to the other side of the block. I managed to make it down the next street over, but gave up by the time we hit the corner. Tomorrow will be better. I'll wear my running shoes again.


I got my COVID test results. Negative, which is pretty much what I expected. Mine was either a cold or a sinus infection. Craig, not so much. It sounds like he actually has COVID. He was nauseated for like a week, but didn't get tested until he started having trouble breathing and some mild chest pain. A chest x-ray didn't show anything and they ruled out sinus infection. He said he's feeling better, though his breathing is still rough. He should have his test results Tuesday. 

I'm a bit upset he didn't tell anyone. Chris said they talked recently enough he should have said something. He probably wouldn't have told me, but I pinged him today asking how's things.  


I had to talk with Mr. Montoni today about my rent. I will pay it, as soon as Unemployment pays me. I just have no idea when they will get around to processing the claim they've already approved.  $2,658 will pay for December and January rent, plus car payments and a little toward the credit card. I think I get two weeks more after that, according to the four notifications I've received telling me my benefits end December 12. Hopefully by then Congress will have passed additional unemployment relief. With those payments, I should be able to hold out until the stimulus benefits are processed and I start receiving them. 

None of that takes the CHN program or OMJ benefit into account. I'm hoping I still receive those, because they will let me pay taxes come April. Yes, April is already in the back of my mind. I didn't pull taxes from my unemployment, so have a whole year to cover Federal, State, and local taxes. I figure that will come to somewhere around $6K. Otherwise it will cost all of the extra $300 we're likely to get from stimulus, plus an additional $600. 


I thought I'd cancelled my World of Warcraft subscription, but I found out today they charged me for another 6 months. Like I could afford to randomly lose $85. I went in and made certain the subscription was cancelled this time. It's a little confusing to have a Cancel button, but to actually cancel the subscription you have to scroll down to the Cancel Subscription link. I'm certain I thought hitting the Cancel button actually cancelled the subscription, because I did it again today. This time I knew there was supposed to be an email confirmation though, and when I didn't get that I went back and found the real link. I should have known it wouldn't be that easy, that there should have been more of a confirmation. Still, kinda sneaky of Blizzard to set it up that way. 


10K steps
Grocery shopping
Water plants
Clean kitchen counters and stove
Wash kitchen rug
Fold sheets and towels
Wash clothes
Bake bread
Bake pumpkin spice cookies

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