
December 16, 2020


I noticed this on our walk this morning. I don't know how many times I've walked past this fully blown up at night and not realized what I was seeing. I have to pay attention now, to see if his pants are pulled up when he's fully inflated. THIS IS SO NOT RIGHT!


I called Legal Aid today about my unemployment claim. It's now been 6.5 weeks since I submitted my application, and a week and a half since I called and they told me it had been approved just not processed. I tried to go in and apply for the Pandemic Unemployment program, on the off chance I hadn't already and in anticipation of the bill Congress is talking about passing this week. I can't apply for it because my benefit year ended, which is the application sitting in the system gathering dust now. 

Legal Aid's voicemail says they will call back within 24 hours, but I'm pretty sure the website said 2 days. Either way I have to turn Do Not Disturb off on my phone until I speak with them, which does not make me happy considering how many calls I get these days. Nothing I can do about it though. I have to talk to someone who can do something.


I completed my homework during the lecture again this morning. We're working with abstract classes, which cannot be instantiated. This way one cannot create a generic animal, but must create a dog or cat or fish that inherits from the animal class. We also went over abstract methods, which are declared in the parent class but have no body and must be defined in the child class. 

I spent the better part of the morning banging my head on the above discrepancy. The com.techelevtator.Triangle gobble-de-gook should have printed as Wallie Wall (12x25) wall. I didn't remember it was the whole print statement though, and kept thinking it was just the name printing wrong. Gregor looked at it after class, and saw immediately I'd capitalized the toString() method name so it wasn't being called. 

I did find the above error in their example code, though. Well, the error I found was on the rectangle. I made the same error in triangle, which is what I took screenshots of at the time. They specifically said to put the constructor length and height parameters in one order in the instructions, the test expected them to be in that order, but the code defined them in transposed order. Since both were int values the compiler couldn't tell they were in the wrong order. I annoyed both the instructor and his aides at the end of class with that one, insisting the test was wrong. 

I ended up apologizing in Slack for being persnickety, which a couple people responded to favorably - including the instructor. 

I also finally got caught up on my reading outlining, getting the unit testing chapter outlined before we get into that tomorrow. 


Jackie called today. I haven't picked up the last several times she's called, but did so today. I think finding the error in the example code and having people be ok with my persnickety-ness helped ease my self consciousness enough so a phone conversation didn't feel overwhelming. She wanted me to check if Stephen's letter had arrived, as he's apparently sending me $200. It hasn't arrived yet. We spent about 45 minutes talking about dogs, money, and health conditions. She wants to send me money as well. I'm not comfortable with that, especially after she told me she's working at Burger King and Mike is working two jobs just to make ends meet. She kept texting me about it until I stopped responding after going to bed. Just like Stephen, she will do what she will do. I'm not asking for help, but I will accept whatever comes my way. 


17K+ step

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