
December 11, 2020


I checked my bank account for the Blizzard refund, to see what happened with the pending charge. The pending charge is gone and there's only one charge - the original one from the 4th. The ticket email says the refund should be available within a week from Wednesday, so I'll check again then.


I didn't do my homework during class today. Instead I spent the time setting up a new Kanbanflow board. The list of things I want to accomplish is growing, and my Google ToDo list just isn't cutting it. The ToDo list is a good place to hold things since I can just tell Google to put something there, but I haven't been looking at it often enough. I'm hoping I'll look at Kanbanflow more often, and hoping that will help me be more productive. This is starting to feel like the me I used to feel good about, which is a good thing. 


I'm completing homework problems the day they're assigned and outlining the reading every day to be sure I don't skip over anything. Yesterday I spent too much time with medical and phone records during the day, so stayed up until after midnight to finish school stuff. I didn't get up until 8 this morning, which doesn't leave much time for a walk before class starts at 9. 

Class went until 12:30 today, then we had a meeting on our elevator pitches. I gave the pared down version of mine, but threw the comment about my art degree back in. They liked it, but I still need to trim by about 10 seconds. I had about an hour to shower and give Athena a bath before I was back on for a Zoom happy hour. I attended in the interest of networking and being social. Athena and I didn't leave for our evening walk until after 6, and I just wasn't feeling it. I'm tired, so promised myself we'll walk extra long tomorrow to make up the difference. 

The happy hour was fun. We started by taking 30 seconds to find something for show and tell. I ended up showing the pewter rose fairy and etched wooden unicorn piece I keep on my desk, explaining how I used to be all about fairies and unicorns and how my children used to gift me with fantasy stuff when they were young. 

We then broke out into groups of three for a trivia contest, which my team won by a significant margin. We weren't supposed to Google anything, and answered most of the questions without doing so. By the end of the 20 minutes though one of my teammates was checking our answers. She said she's competitive, to which I said I like to do things the way they're supposed to be done. We ended up using one answer her young son gave us and one she looked up. We won by more than two points though, so I'm feeling ok about it all.   


7K+ steps
Bathe Athena
Wash kitchen rug and towels
Watch Critical Role

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