
December 4, 2020


Nothing has really changed, but I'm starting to feel a bit better about my financial situation. I received notification today my mortgage has been suspended for an additional 3 months, so I don't have to worry about that until March. Congress is actually talking about another stimulus package, which includes unemployment benefits. If I get those, plus the Ohio Means Jobs $25/day, plus rent and utility help from the CHN housing program, I should be able to save enough to get through until I'm actually working again.

I was going to call Umberto to tell him my rent would be late, but forgot on the 1st so decided to let it slide. I'm not looking forward to that conversation, and keep hoping I'll get the back unemployment before he stops by to ask for it. Plan B, I ordered cash advance checks from the credit card I'm using. They should arrive within the next week or so. I'd really rather not incur that interest, since FIFO so the $2K I've already put on that card in the way of groceries and gas will be paid off before the cash advance amount is touched. 

Amy pinged me today asking how I'm feeling. We've been trying to keep in touch more often. She's completely rebuilding her basement, so I check in periodically to see how that's going and find out if she's killing herself doing it. She mentioned today she thinks she's finally learned how to pace herself. I completely understand that struggle. 


Today ends week 1 of the 14 week bootcamp. We've gone through data structures, loops, and arrays. We were supposed to start pair programming using methods in a little terminal application, but enough of the class was behind the instructor put that off until Monday. I already pulled the assignment, and may look at it over the weekend. Either that, or I'll look at my random character app again. I want to start the database at the beginning and return one race/class at a time, with tests. I plan to work on that throughout the bootcamp, adding what I learn in the way of best practices. I already know I need to change some of the database code. I remembered databases should hold data, not logic, so calculations like return random should happen in the code. 


There was a rainbow on our walk tonight. We've established a pattern where we take a very short walk in the morning, 2K-4K steps, maybe around the block. We then take a much longer walk in the evening to get up over 10K steps. Considering the amount of snow and lack of shoveled sidewalks at the moment, this is a bit challenging as we only have a few routes available where we can walk in the street.

It seems Athena has preferences about where to do her business. One does not pee or poop on the pavement, apparently. The streets are lined with piles of snow taller than she is, and they are not always solid. She's learned not to try climbing them. There is the occasional patch of grass here and there, where driveway plows missed the apron, but she doesn't seem attracted to those. She either waits until I take her up on the sidewalk to pee in a yard, or as a last resort goes on a patch of snow flattened by tire tracks. 


12K + steps
Dry towels and sweats

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