
December 19, 2020



I made Athena biscuits with oatmeal, pork neck bone, and green beans. It's essentially the same as what I put in her dog food, but baked for like an hour in cookie form. There are a ton of them!  


I wan't happy to find the $130 Amazon Prime charge on my account earlier this week, but decided I didn't really want to cancel the Prime account. I keep my pictures in Prime, I'm enjoying the benefits of Twitch Prime, I watch Prime video on occassion, and I still order a hell of a lot to be delivered within the next day or so. I did some retail therapy today, buying Athena's winter jacket and some rabbit ear chews, among other things. That's what led me to explore the Essentials list, which is what led me to discover I hadn't recieved the jar gripper openers I'd ordered. I had to call customer service, since it wasn't an entire package missing. That was a relatively painless process, and they will refund the purchase since it's from a 3rd party seller. 


Athena hasn't been feeling well since last night. she didn't come to bed, staying on the couch. I woke around 1 and ended up carrying her upstairs. She seems to be favoring the foot/leg that has the long scar on the inside. We went for long walks both Wednesday and Thursday evening, so I wonder if she is stiff or having joint pain. 

She did get down from the bed on her own this morning, but didn't come downstairs until I came and got her, even after getting her leash et al from the closet. normally she'll run downstairs at that point. I gave her an aspirin and we went for a normal length walk. She seemed to feel better by the time we were done. I kept looking and couldn't be 100% sure but I think she was limping a little on that leg. 

I'm thinking the aspirin is what helped her feel better, because later in the afternoon she was again acting unlike herself. 

I had the worst time getting her to go pee on our evening walk, because she refused to walk. It was raining very lightly, but she didn't even want to go off the porch. I finally walked her up and down and up and down the driveway, then across the back yards. She wouldn't go past the house in the front but was willing to walk to the back. She wouldn't walk past the garage on the yard side, but would walk down the sidewalk where the garbage cans go. Eventually she was willing to walk into the yard behind the garage next door, and one more before she finally peed. I gave her all the praise and we went straight in. Hopefully she'll figure this out, that all she has to do is pee and she gets to come back in when it's raining. 

I also ordered her a raincoat with a clear hood that should cover at least some of her face. I'm not super hopeful, but I really don't know what else to do. 


I did actually hit 10K steps, even without our evening walk. The only way I can think of is by walking around Walmart. I've decided to stop shopping there, by the way. I'm tired of standing in line for a half an hour or more, because they don't have enough cashiers for the number of customers. It's crazy the self checkout line goes past the entire freezer section. Marcs and Aldi's are right around the corner, so I'll start using them. 


Since when did fantasy and Christmas cross paths? I've seen the dragon skeletons for halloween. Dragons can be scarey so that made some sense. This makes no sense! Not that I'm complaining. I like dragons and unicorns. It just seems odd. 


Not surprisingly, Jackie came back to say she can't help me financially. Not that I wanted her to  help me, but she was so very insistent the other day. 


10K+ Steps
Watch Critical Role
Make Pork Green Bean Oatmeal cookies for Athena 
Clean Kitchen counters and stove
Grocery Shopping

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