
January 21, 2021


This is what my morning looked like:


I recieved an email today from ODJFS about the 11 weeks of additional unemployment. The FB group I'm in said they should have the 5 systems updated by Jan 26th. I know I don't have it yet, and can't be certain that date is accurate, but I added the $$ into my YNAB to see how I'll fare once the money is coming in again. I'm pessimistically hopeful Biden will be able to pass additional assistance. I may not need that additional, but it would be nice to have that safety net. 


I'm starting to recieve my tax documents. I recieved an email from Wells Fargo about  my mortgage documents today. My plan is to do my taxes once I get all the documentation in, but not submit them until I can pay them. Or tax day deadline, whichever comes first. I heard somewhere tax day may be postponed this year, which would definitely help.  


Found funnies at Walmart that made me think of both Chris and Craig, so I sent them photos. Just doing that made me smile and a little sad at the same time, because I used to do this with Jeff. 


This is what my evening looked like:


Write Stephan
Sweep kitchen
12K+ steps

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