
January 22, 2021


I talked with Gregor about my D&D Random Character Generator project, and got so many ideas on how to organize things. I'm still not 100% certain how projects should be organized, but I'm starting to understand.


Kristi reached out on FB today. Just a poke asking how I'm doing, but still very nice to hear someone cares enough to say hi after months and months without contact. 


The toys I ordered for Athena came today, including the Tug-A-Jug meal dispenser. I was late to the school happy hour because it took so long to load. I thought it would be fun for her to get the kibble out, but it takes just as long to put the kibble in. 

From our happy hour. Turns out a background and foreground filter don't work well together, at least for me. 

I enjoyed the bottle of Riesling I bought from Costco, even if it was a screw-cap, cheap-ass wine. It made me drunk enough to tell Nick I was almost willing to consider him moving in with me... after I get a job, maybe. I'm concerned about his health, as he says he can't walk from his apartment to the rental office and back without extreme loss of breath. He's got to be well over 300 lbs by now, and has to put his legs up several times a day because his heart can't pump blood back up. In my alcoholic haze I was thinking he would be healthier living here, where he wouldn't be tempted as much by the junk food Mark so loves. Ignoring the candy and cookies I've been living on for the month or so. I spent a bit of time imagining how it would work, practically forcing him to walk Athena at least once a day, making him move. Because I could make him do anything. 



Clean Microwave
13K+ steps

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