
January 20, 2021


I asked Gregor if it's better to pull a list from the database, then choose random from that result, or to have the database choose the random result to return. He said it's better to get just what you need from the database, so to get random through the select statement. The database is much more efficient at filtering data than the application would be.


New blog ID: read Redditt and draw cartoons of the "tales from tech" type of stories. Of course, I'll need to relearn how to draw. Yet another project dependent on that. 


I recieved an email from Lindsey at OMJ about the financial aid I emailed her about on the 18th. Apparently I'm not eligible for anything beyond the $25/day for attending the bootcamp, even though I've yet to see any of that money. 

Since she mentioned them, I asked her to look into what's going on with these payments as I haven't seen any of them thus far. 


In going through my email today, I decided to reply to the CHN Housing email, letting them know I don't have an email address for Mr. Montoni. I also wanted to mitigate the fact I'm current on my rent, since I paid December and January with the last of my unemployment funds. I told them I was able to pay rent because I borrowed money (kind of true, since Stephan sent me $$) and failed to pay other bills (also true, considering the debt renegotiation and putting off car payments). 


More retail therapy via Amazon today. I'm not sure what has me thinking I can afford this, beyond I haven't hit the limit on my credit card yet. I'm getting close, but I haven't capped it out yet. I think getting the email from CHN has had some affect. If they pay 3 months rent, I will be able to pay my credit card off. Of course, they only pay if I'm behind on rent, and as of now I'm current. I don't think I'll be hearing from them again. 

Cutting boards, and disposable cutting board film to use on board built into the cabinets. I probably could have done without the latter, but I use cutting boards so often with lemons in my tea, I really needed several small ones. The rainbow ones above are thin enough I can cut them in half, and even in quarters if necessary, so I'm not washing full size boards for a single lemon. 
Nail files. The ones I have are falling apart and worn down. This was something like 25 metal nail files for less than $10, which seemed like an awesome deal that will last a year or more. These have been on my Save For Later list for quite a while. 

Thinking more and more I decided I could afford this solely because I hadn't maxed out the credit card yet. The nail clippers are a must, because Athena's nails are getting longer and she seems to have shredded one trying to trim it herself. I think that's what has caused her pain in her foot the past month or so. At least part of what, anyway. The rest are me trying to get her engaged with her toys. She's destroyed all the puzzle toys she has, leaving nothing but chew toys. Many of those she doesn't chew on at all. 

These are just random shopping items. I don't really need the electrical tape, but it's been on my list for a while. I was using it to label freezer items. I have a lot of freezer items. The wax paper was a fantastic deal, at about $5 for the 3. I just purchased wax paper over the weekend, but ran out today and for some reason that meant I had to buy more. 

Athena's Halti has torn a bit. Not enough I'm concerned for the integrity of it, but enough I'm concerned the integrity will be compromised if it tears much more. I almost certainly could have waited, but didnt. I bought another. Apparently I ordered 2 of them, so will have to return 1 when they arrive.

My shower back scrubber fell again, and this time split. This may have been what started my shopping spree, because I felt I needed a scrubber, especially now it's so cold and dry and my back itches if I don't scrub it. I ordered the new scrubber with suction cup hooks to hang it on so this one doesn't break.
I'm still waiting for Yoga Toes, but ordered calf stretching boots. I used to have a pair, but got rid of them. Now I want to sleep in them again. These look to be larger than the ones I had, but they were the least expensive for what I'm trying to do. I'm thinking the toe area may be large enough to wear both Yoga Toes and boots at the same time.  

I bought brownie stuff last time I was at the store. I have 2 24-piece pans, but they are useless without liners because no matter how I grease them everything sticks. Actually THIS may have been what started the shopping spree, because I started out looking for silicone muffin tins. I have 2 silicone mini muffin pans, each holding 12, but that would mean multiple batches in an oven I can't trust to hold it's temperature. 


I've been staying relatively up to date on the news since the attack on Washington. As in every few days, as opposed to every few weeks. I was catching up again today and found the NY Times advertising Punchbowl news. I already subscribe to the Skimm, which gives an overview of what's going on in a bipartisan way. That's what Punchbowl is also supposed to do, but it's written by people known for scooping the news in Washington specifically. 3 updates a day sounds like too much, but the free version is only 1x a day. That with the NY Times digest and the Skimm should keep me well informed. 


I pinged Nick today about laying on the floor with his legs on a chair. He was complaining the other day about his legs getting blisters again, meaning he's not spending enough time with his feet high enough above his heart. He responded to my suggestion, saying it's too difficult to get up from that position. I have to remember I can't make people take care of themselves. All I can do is make suggestions.


Mock interview (practiced with John). I thought this went well. I'm still a bit slow on my  elevator pitch, but I got all my points in when asked. I came up with a valid failure story with a lesson learned, and had a whole slew of questions to ask, including one based on the answers from other questions. 


Sweep kitchen
Clean Convection Oven
Pick up prescriptions
13K+ steps

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