
January 10, 2021


We finished the Capstone project tonight, around 11pm. I thought we would be done earlier but forgot the hardest 90% is when you think you're 90% done. All the troubleshooting and getting things to work correctly is what takes the longest. 

I am happy with the method used to return change. The first pass at that was way too long and repeated code for every coin. I tried to condense it by making every calcuation a different method, but that really didn't make sense. In the end I figured out how to do it while out walking with Athena, by using a Hashmap and feeding that into the calculation method, then concatenating the output into one long string. 

I also am happy to have figured out how to return to the main menu when the purchase is complete. We didn't get the logging done, but I'll finish that over next weekend before putting it up on my Github account. 

Overall, I can say I wrote the entire thing, though I wouldn't say that in class or to anyone connected with the school. 


I wasn't able to play D&D because of the Capstone. Turns out Craig couldn't play either. He had to take Marina to the ER after work. She's apparently got a bad case of Strep, and can't get herself anywhere because she doesn't drive so is at the mercy of Craig's schedule. For me, I would have left early but I guess he can't do that when he's the manager. 


Chris called, which was nice. I was thinking about pinging him this weekend. I couldn't talk because we were working on the Capstone, but I told him I'll call him tomorrow after class, and I fully intend to do so. 


Empty dishwasher
Finish Capstone
Talk to Chris
Chat with Craig

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