
January 5, 2021


Argh! I spent literally hours trying to figure out why my Eclipse wasn't stopping at breakpoints. I had trouble updating because one of the plugins had a dead link. I used print statements to work on things during class, and finally asked the teacher to take a look. He immediately saw I was hitting run instead of debug. Breakpoints don't work in run. 

This is the 2nd time I've spent hours trying to figure something out, then he saw in a second I'd done something stupid. Not exactly a confidence builder.  


My pair partner this week is so far behind, she was ready to quit the program. We lost 2 days and will not get the pair programming project done. We will be working together on the Capstone project though. I convinced her to let me try helping her get caught up. We didn't work on anything though. She needed to get her resume together for the Pathway project we're working on this week. 

I've promised a lot of my time this week and this weekend to work with Carmen, but also have to find time to update my own resume. I'm supposed to meet with Katie about it on Monday. 

Athena insisted on running this evening. She was very funny, racing forward then stopping abruptly then racing forward again. I made her wait until we reached the bottom of the street, then ran as far as I could toward home. Not fast. I only made it 8 houses, but I did run. 

I really dislike running in the cold. I liked that I started running even a little bit though, but stopped when it got cold. It also got grey, and I've also not been sleeping well, which is not helpful. 


I haven't been paying attention to the news, so didn't realize what was happening in the capital today. Congress was supposed to ceritify the election results, and Trump essentially told his followers to attack the capital so many of them did. Craziness. 


18K+ steps
Sweep kitchen
Fold Laundry

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