
January 26, 2021


One of my favorite quotes, which I shared with the group today at bootcamp. I am struggling with APIs, and getting frustrated with my lack of understanding. It's not that I don't understand what we're doing. I don't remember the details of which command or annotation goes where, and I'm struggling to get the tests passing. I guess that means I don't understand why it's not working. 


The weather is definitely getting to me. I napped for a couple hours today, after sleeping for 9 hours overnight.  


I checked my bank account today and saw a balance of $0.00 with $362 negative, which made me think I'd overdrawn somehow. The only way I could think of to be that overdrawn was if Canyon actually pulled the payment they said they wouldn't. I pinged Chris because I didn't know who else to ask for help. He sent me $400 before I realized the bank was having problems and I wasn't overdrawn after all. I'm keeping the $400 until unemployment hits though, because I suspect I'll need it for my car payment. It looks like they won't have the systems updated until the end of February. 


Leo sent out an email saying OMJ has new funds specific for the Tech Elevator cohort, that will pay the following:

$500/month in rent
$100/month in water (so $600 to Umberto)
$42.00 for internet
Up to $300 for health care

This will be extremely helpful!


Fold Laundry
Wash jackets and robes
Dry jackets and robes
Clean 2nd floor toilet
6K+ Steps

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