
January 6, 2021


I'm not sure what I've gotten myself into here, with my pair programming partner. We spent several hours this afternoon and the evening, working through the first two weeks of problems. She kept getting confused about where the code and the brackets go. She seems to remember some of the syntax, but it takes so very long for her to get there. 

My normal teaching style is not the best, and causes all sorts of frustration while the person tries to reason things out. My lack of patience seemed to be getting in her way, so I attempted another approach in the evening. I made myself available but let her work things out on her own. It was still painful, but at least I could stop myself and pull back when it felt like I was interfering again. She made it through about half the problems and seems to feel I was helpful.

I'm frightened for our Capstone project, which I started looking at tonight. We have to diagram our design before we start coding. I've never done any of the diagramming he showed us, and LucidChart complained I used too many objects on my free account. I said I'd do the heavy lifting, but I don't want to do the entire project by myself. 


Craig pinged me today. Apparently Anna is pregnant again, just about full term. He saw this on Facebook and was asking me if she planned to keep the baby this time. I'm guessing she is, but I didn't know she was pregnant either. I've chatted with Peg recently too, and she never mentioned it. 


Keeping up on the news a bit right now, with all the insanity. It seems Trump had a rally early in the day and is still telling people the election was stolen. Meanwhile, a handful of Republicans tried to negate the state certified election results. After the rally a horde of Trump followers invaded the capital building. One of them was shot and later died. One of the police died as well. After all the protesters were cleared away, Congress went back and officially certified the results. Biden is officially our next president, like we didn't know that 2 months ago. 

Trump tried to get Pence to refuse signing off on the count, but he finally stood up to the man and told him that wasn't in his power to do. Trump is such an ass, and his followers are just a bunch of non-educated bullies. 


13K+ Steps
Empty dishwasher
Fold laundry

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