
January 8, 2021


Worked on the Capstone project today, and am quite happy with how it's going. I mapped out all the classes with variables and methods in Trello, made checklists for everything including which tests to write, and am switching off with my partner on writing them. Well, switching off on who's typing them. I'm telling her what to type, including "move up 2 lines and hit enter." She still gets confused on where the brackets should be, but she now understands things like "make a private List of strings called inventory." I hope by the time we're done she'll know which loops to use when I say "loop through <this> to get <that>."

I now have a definitive answer for the interview question: "Tell me about one of your weaknesses." I'm too tenatious. One of the tests was to verify we returned a list of strings, but we couldn't just compare the lists as equal because they each point to different memory, and that's what gets compared. I spent at least an hour, maybe more, trying to figure out how to test that, walked away from it twice, but kept coming back to it. I don't like to give up or quit. I did eventually find a way to test it, but now we'll have to work more into the weekend than I'd hoped to finish before Monday. 

I also have to find time to update my resume and LinkedIn before Monday.  


18K+ steps
Dry laundry
Stretch toes

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