
January 7, 2021


I was right about the Capstone project. I'm trying to have the patience to let my partner help, but it's quite difficult. I ended up writing out all the classes and methods in Trello, then went through and determined which should be tested and how. I did explain to her what I was doing and why, but I don't know if she understood. 

I'm trying to let her type as much of the code as possible, to get her more comfortable with it all. Unfortunately, I'm literally telling her what to type, including "hit enter here," "delete that extra line," and "move up one line." She's a very slow typist, too. She doesn't use keyboard shortcuts or the auto-complete features of intellisense. 


I'm not sure how or why, but I remembered today about stretching my toes. I spent an hour with cotton balls between my toes, and found all sorts of places untensing. My tailbone area. My calves. My ankles. I wish now I hadn't thrown away the yoga toes stretchers I used to have. Not sure why I did that either. I need to get another set. 


7K+ Steps 
Empty dishwasher
Wash laundry

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