
October 29, 2020

10/29/2020: Brian

I had lunch with Brian today. My kids wonder at our friendship, since Brian is their age. We have a lot in common though. We talked today about politics. We don't agree 100%, but neither do we stick 100% to the party line. This made the conversation interesting.  

We also talked about music. His tastes are SO eclectic! Metal. Pop. Classic Rock. New Age. Crooners. Movie and show tunes. So many artists I've never heard of! Mine is eclectic in different ways. I have more Country and R&B. I've listened to and liked New Age, but it's not a go-to. Instead I have video game soundtracks.

We have pets in common and know some of the same people. We both like D&D. I have a story idea he's contributing to, which I hope at some point to turn into a graphic novel or post on He also happens to live in my condo, so we have that in common too. 


Today's accomplishments:
17K+ steps
Watch Critical Role
Wash, Dry, Fold sheets and blankets

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