
October 24, 2020

10/24/2020: Not doing much

I spent the day practicing micro macrame. I say practicing because I ended up throwing out everything I did. I think there is a combination of issues: the thread I'm using may be too thin; I might be tying the knots too tightly; and I don't fully understand the implications of tying knots over, under, and from the right or left.  I tried practicing just the knots to see if I could discern the difference between the various knot directions, but the results were too small for me to tell. 

I didn't do much else, beyond walking Athena and watching Critical Role while playing with thread. 


If I weren't recording my "accomplishments" every day, I wouldn't realize it's been days since I've done any housework or learned anything new. My lack of productive activity reminds me change of seasons is always hard due to Seasonal Affective Disorder. Beyond that, I get like this every October. I'm technically over things that happened 30 years ago, or almost 10 years ago, but they still come to mind this time of year. 

I'm allowing myself the me time without recrimination. It's been over a week since I took a day off, and I obviously need the mental break. Also, I know the Tech Elevator project will be in my inbox this coming week. 


Today's accomplishments:
14K+ steps
Fill pill containers
Watch Critical Role
Practice micro macrame

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