
October 21, 2020

10/21/2020: Avoidence; shock collars vs prong collars

TIL: "shock" collars are actually better than prong collars


Athena is a rescue who came to me this past June with anxiety regarding other dogs. I don't believe she's aggressive, even if she has been in three fights since coming to live with me. She doesn't react to ALL dogs. She's met a handful without issue, and always wants to stop at their houses when we walk past. 

I believe she's anxious. She speeds up whenever we pass a house with a dog barking in the window or back yard, and she constantly looks behind her for several houses after we move away. She startles easily at loud noises. She's not always aware of dogs walking on the other side of the street, but when she is she shows interest - head up and ears perked. I don't know what that interest means. I've tried looking at her scruff and tail, but I don't see anything out of the ordinary. 

I don't always know what sets her off. Sometimes it's obvious, as the other dog is behaving just as poorly. I think she wanted to play chase when the jogger came by with two Weimaraner attached to her waist. This has happened often enough I've learned how to stay calm throughout, so she's not reacting to me. I've paid attention to other dogs with her around without her getting possessive. I just don't see what she sees. We will be walking calmly along, then BAM! She's lunging and thrashing against the lead. No bark, no growl, no raised scruff. 0 to 60 in an instant.  

She's learned not to go after bunnies, squirrels, and even cats (unless they RIGHT THERE like the cats that frequent our front porch). Dogs and deer are a different story. 

We tried a Martingale collar, but she just choked herself until gasping and wheezing without letting up. We tried a Thunder leash, but with her barrel chest it always settled around her waist and she pulled so hard I feared for her internal organs. We now use a face halter, which has helped control her tremendously. I no longer have to set my weight against her as she pulls to get at the other dog. I can hold her with one hand as she struggles against the lead. 

I've researched and tried several training methods. She gets praised when passing a dog without issue. She likes treats well enough, but not enough to distract her from other dogs. We've tried sit and look at me, but why would anyone take their eyes off a potential danger? She won't. Same with getting in between her and the other dog. Once engaged, she won't hear me when I say no, leave it, or the "uh-uh-uh" noise I use to indicate unwanted behavior. I tried a whistle, but that didn't phase her either. 

I never thought I'd use either a prong or shock collar, but I found myself researching them. This article discusses research done on the stress each cause. The shock collar elicits a surprised verbal response, while the prong collar results in multiple stress responses. 

So I ordered a shock collar. I have no intention of using the shock option of the collar, even if it is equivalent to a tenz unit (of which I own 2). I don't want to punish her for reacting in fear or anxiety. I need a way to get her attention, to interrupt her mid-lunge so I can reinforce the cessation of that behavior.


I realized today I am avoiding the Design Patterns and Algorithm items I planned to learn, while waiting for the Tech Elevator application to proceed. Learning micro macrame and practicing sewing are all well and good, but they won't help me find a job. 

Not that I'm actively looking for a job right now, with the bootcamp start date set for November 9. I still believe I don't know what I don't know, and am ever-so-hopeful this bootcamp will provide me with the confidence in my coding ability I currently lack. I hope to learn what the Sr. Dev in my last position was unable to show me - how to see and correct the errors he apparently saw in my code. I know it will provide a portfolio of object-oriented programming. In the end I expect this to result in a mid- to senior-level position as a software developer. 

I would be an even better prospect with the design patterns and algorithm knowledge I also currently lack, though. 


Today's accomplishments:
16K+ steps
Dry, fold and put away couch covers
Try out new micro macrame patterns
Watch Critical Role Campaign 2 Episode 98
Watch The Masked Singer 
Watch The Voice
Watch Supernatural Season 15 Episodes 1-11

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