
October 16, 2020

10/16/2020: Caught up on news

TIL: About what has been happening in politics the last few weeks


I spent the better part of the day catching up on several weeks of NY Times newsletters. I get the newsletters daily, but don't read them regularly. Instead of potentially being depressed every day by what's going on in the world, I condense my news consumption into weekly or bi-weekly chunks. I hear about things randomly in between, but this way I'm somewhat emotionally protected while still feeling fully informed. 

So today I learned:

  • The president is still acting as if COVID is not a thing, and a thing or two about his finances and taxes over the last 20 years. 
  • The white house warned some investors COVID would be a problem while telling the public there was nothing to worry about. 
  • I'd heard about Ruth Bader Ginsberg's death and Amy Contey Barrett's Supreme Court nomination. I now have more details on her confirmation hearings -- including the 99.99% likelihood she'll be confirmed and what that will mean to civil rights in America. 


Today's accomplishments:
10K+ steps
Catch up on NY Times and SKIMM emails
Fold laundry
Bathe Athena
Research micro macrame patterns
Watch Critical Role Campaign 2 Episode 93/94

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