
April 5, 2011

What would YOU do?

I'm having calendar conflict, and am copying off of Baby Weight My Fat Ass, who also requested calendar help today.

This is what my calendar looks like:
Remember, X means I did what was marked.
As you can see from all the scritchy-scratch, I've changed my program once already. I moved Monday's run to Tuesday and Tuesday's run to Wednesday, so I could count Monday's yoga/pilates class as my cross-training day. (I didn't go yesterday because I was struggling with a paper I didn't want to write).

I'm having a hard time getting to swimming, and have to get used to the back-to-back running, but I understand my legs will be stronger without the rest days in between. I just have to make sure I do rest at some point, or I will injure myself. With that in mind, I'm going back and forth about today's run. Mainly, I just don't wanna. I have been fighting motivation issues in both running and school. In this instance, my legs are a little tired but I'm sure they have 5 miles in them. I'll likely guilt myself into getting them done later today.

I chose a half marathon program for a 10 mile race to make sure I was comfortable with the mileage. Also because I have a half marathon 3 weeks later. After April's race I'm just winging it though. I want a low mileage rest week, but then I have to gear up again for May's race, but then I have to taper... Do you see my conflict? Add in that I'm walk/running Barefoot Neil's virtual marathon on May 1.

So, the week after April's race I'm going to ditch the Saturday 10-miler. Superman and I are planning to run one/walk one through 26.2 miles that Sunday, so I'll definitely get at least 10 miles run. The question then becomes, how do I treat the following week? I once walked 20 miles in a day, but that was a couple years ago and I don't think I've even biked 26. I'll be in something of the same situation I am today, where I haven't had the 2 rest days planned. I'm thinking after the marathon I won't be up to a 5-miler, not to mention 5-4-5 over 3 days.

When I drew up the plan for the 2nd race, I included the 12-mile run the first week of May because I would not have run even close to race distance for a month prior. The marathon changes things. I will have been on my feet for close to 8 hours (random guess there). I will have covered the full marathon distance within a few weeks of the race. On the original plan taper starts 2 weeks prior. The mileage reduces slowly, with a 7 mile long run the first week of taper. I'm considering following the original plan in this.

Then there's the week after the half. I have another 10-miler scheduled for June 19. I don't want to sit on my arse the week after the race, because I know I will get stiff. I also don't want to push too hard with mileage. I'm comfortable with the 2-3-2 format, but I'm thinking of spreading it out more. 2 on Tuesday, 3 on Thursday, and 2 on Saturday. Do I then dive right back into the 5-4-5 schedule? I am going to shift the long run a week, doing 10 the week after the race and 11 the following week. The June race is only 10, but I do like the idea of running longer than the race distance to ensure I'm comfortable with the mileage.

As I told Baby Weight My Fat Ass, I know it all depends on how I feel. This is not set in stone, and may very well change as I complete aspects like the marathon. I'm actually most concerned with the section after the half, and may push recovery for another week before I try a 10-mile long run.

After the June race I can rest up a bit. I might run the Forest Hill Thunder Run 5K in July, but the next big race isn't until August 14. There seems to be some on-line registration issues, but a I'm in the process of signing up for the Perfect 10-Miler.

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